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Richard Faulkner


Richard Faulkner

Contact 650-844-1547‬

Home Value Appreciation Calculator

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Your Home Value Will Increase By $--

As per Zestimate, Zillow’s home valuation tool, the current value of your home is $200,000. Solar increase the value of your house by 4.1% as per a study done by Zillow. By going solar, you will gain $XX in home equity.
Data is provided via the Zestimate API. See more details for address on Zillow. © Zillow, Inc., 2006-2020. Use is subject to Terms of Use

A few studies have shown that solar installations increase a home’s resale value by up to $5,000 for every kilowatt of solar installed, or by about 4.1% of the home’s value. Below are some averages. As you can see that the equity you gain in your home by going solar is way higher than the costs of installing a solar panel system. While the initial investment in solar may look step but solar panels will save you money on your electric bill and significantly increase your propety value.

Home Solar System Size
Amount Solar Panels
Increase Home value*
Cost to Install Solar
Panels (After Tax Credit)**
4 kW
6 kW
8 kW
10 kW

*Figures based on study by lawrence Berkeley national Laboratory.
**Figures based on average solar costs in the U.S.